Sunday 17 August 2008

India Needs A New Independence!

Sixty one years ago we got Independence from the British. Since that time a lot has changed. From being a British colony we have gone to buy British company's such as Jaguar-Land Rover, Tetley and Corus. This is not only good for us, but also for the British who are getting the opportunity to benefit from global management skills and finance. It ensures employment for thousands of employees and increases their efficiency. From being a nation afraid of foreign competition, today we are ready for competition of every sort and thrive in it.From a time when we had to wait for a year to get a phone, today we can get a cell phone within minutes and have amongst the cheapest phone rates in the world. I am proud to be an Indian and very lucky to be born in a time when India is getting ready to become a major global economic power. But at the same time we as a nation and as people have always believed in respecting other civilizations and not infringing on their rights and freedoms. Respect, equality, peace and dignity should be something that the entire world should have and something which we should share with the rest of the world.I hope every Indian is proud of our nation and proud of our culture and heritage which is several thousand years old.But today we are desperately in need of a New Independence movement.We need Independence from poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, hate, corruption, bureaucracy and inefficiency. We need Independence from pollution and environmental degradation. We need Independence from having the attitude and willingness to accept what is wrong. We need Independence from being afraid to learn new things, being afraid to fail and being afraid of change. We need Independence from fear.India needs this New Independence and it is in our hands to make our nation truly free. We can all do this by doing our dharma. We all need to do our duty with love, dedication, passion and commitment. If we all start doing our dharma as well as we can, things will start changing. If everybody in our nation does their duty, it wouldn't take too long for things to change.Today there isn't a shortage of money in our country. Just that the money isn’t being tapped correctly. In fact today India's balance sheet is much more favourable than America's. Imagine how much more wealth can be created by everybody if millions of people got access to basic necessities such as electricity, water and education. It would spiral of a positive cycle of productivity and increase demand.The Government today has billions of dollars with it. Instead of keeping a currency which is going to lose value over time, these funds should be invested. This can bring New Independence to millions of people and this also means a great economic opportunity.As individuals we have the power to not only do what we are doing with complete love and dedication, but also spread the message of change. We can spread and share ideas which will go into building a nation and help build India into an economic and cultural super power. We can share thoughts which motivate and inspire people around us. Everything great first starts out in our minds. Our minds need to think about what is possible and how we can achieve it. That is what I have always believed and also experienced personally as a Happionaire. We Indians are hard working and I know that if our brothers and sisters across the vast nation are given opportunities, they too can do wonders. I'm sure we will be able to find hundreds of more Dhirubhai Ambanis, Ratan TATAs and Kishore Biyanis.I have a feeling that it will happen. Something inside me tells me that in the next 10 years we are going to see radical changes in India and more and more entrepreneurs are going to go out looking for opportunities across our great nation. We all have an inner voice and that voice somehow is always true. Isn’t it?I wish all of you have a very Happy Independence Day and I hope that with the grace of God we shall all be wishing each other a very Happy New Independence Day in the coming future.Feel free to share this article with every other Indian and spread the joy.Keep smiling!

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Crude, monsoon hold key to mkts rally now

I feels that the markets have seen some momentum despite the weakness in the US. There is a large build up in stock futures, which is positive for sentiment.I thinks that the monsoon remains a worry but crude is the biggest risk. One can see further rally if crude falls and monsoon improves.

Suzlon energy-Long term pick

IIFL has recommended buy rating on Suzlon Energy, with 12-month price target of Rs 280, in its report dated 1 August, 2008.
“Suzlon reported consolidated sales of Rs 27.6 billion, up 42% YoY, and PAT of Rs 1.65 billion (excluding MTM losses of Rs 1.64 billion) for 1QFY09. Both were significantly higher than our estimates, mainly due to better than expected growth and higher profitability in the wind business.
With ramp-up in Hansen’s gearbox production capacity, revenue from the gearbox business rose 58% YoY in 1QFY09 and accounted for 28% of Suzlon’s total revenue in the quarter. OPM on gearboxes expanded to 14% from 7% a year ago; consequently, contribution of this business to operating profit rose to 26% from 19% a year ago (details inside). Although WTG sales volumes rose only 7% YoY to 338MW, average per-MW realisation rose 16% YoY to Rs 54.3m/MW. Gross margin also rose to Rs 21m/MW from Rs 15.3m/MW a year ago. Management attributed the increase to: 1) improvement in the product mix; 2) favourable currency impact (INR depreciated against USD, EUR and AUD); and 3) project work. Almost 70% of the YoY increase in the quarter’s operating profit came from the wind business”.
“Suzlon has an order book of 3,039MW, formed mostly of international deliveries. Its order book has stagnated over the last few quarters as it has been unable to increase share of international deliveries. We maintain our FY09ii and FY10ii estimates as we believe that: 1) the current order book is sufficient to secure FY09 revenues; 2) the company has more than 6-8 months to grow its international order book for FY10; and 3) the rupee remains weak against USD and euro”.
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