Friday 28 November 2008


Here is what our security forces, government and PM should immediately do. However before you read further please promise me that you will share this with at least five people you know. Those five people will in turn share with another five and that way we can let everyone know about what we truly believe in. I believe that all of us together can have a very strong impact and this is a time for us to be united. We need to let everybody know that security is a major concern for all of us. We need our government and politicians to know that we won’t tolerate such weak security and it is high time they listened to us. A strong message needs to be sent by us that it is high time this injustice stops. I assume if you are reading further you will fulfill your promise of sharing this with at least five people.
Declare A War On Terror
We are targets of global terror and still our leadership has no proper strategy or declaration on our war on terror. Why have we not prepared ourselves still to fight this evil? Our politicians have linked terror with politics and votes – instead of fighting it. Today the voter will decide based on security. If my government can’t fight terror – I as a voter will not give my vote to them. We as Indians demand security and immediately want out government to have a strong anti-terror strategy. The terrorists have declared a war and have waged and invasion. It is time to follow the path of Arjuna who went to war with the blessing of Lord Krishna. It isn’t time for discussions – but time to wage war on this evil. What are we waiting for still?
Allocate More Funds
The first thing that needs to be done is allocate more funds towards internal security. India has around $300 billion of foreign reserve. Instead of just keeping the money and earning barely any interest, at least $30 billion should be used to beef up internal security. All this money should be invested bullet proof security–vests, more advanced automatic weapons, surveillance cameras, superior air and navy support, helicopters, advanced drone technologies, etc. To fight terror we need to invest in security and technology. This is much more important than anything else – because without security no investment or no money means anything. Our country doesn’t have a shortage of money and I hope our government seriously acts. There is no time to think – but just to act.
Tougher Terror Laws
We should stop letting terrorists go free and should give them the harshest possible punishment. It is high time we start ignoring so called Human Rights groups who disappear when terrorists slaughter innocent men and women, but tell all of us we should be soft on terror. These terrorists are not humans and deserve no Human Right. More power has to be given to our security forces to not fear and take action against terror. I have been told that we don’t even have a terror law now. Our government can not continue this way – because terror is a major challenge. There should be no mercy shown to terrorists.
Learn From Countries Like America
America after 9/11 invested heavily into internal security and hasn’t had any terrorist attack. We need to learn from them and work with their forces. They are using extremely advanced technology and equipment to make their country a more secure place. No matter what they have done with the economy- we should learn from them in the area of anti-terror security.
Today the terrorists have automatic weapons, while a large part of our police force is under-equipped only with pistols and lathis. We need to invest in advanced technologies which can be used in situation of urban areas. Today robotic drones that can be controlled by remote control are all available. If we had such technology we could have sent these drones inside hotels to take out terrorists while making sure hostages are safe. We have a brave police force and army – we need to make sure we respect their bravery and give him what they deserve.
Surveillance camera, tapping of phones and e-mail, helicopters, armoured vehicles, navy ships patrolling the coast, bomb detection equipment should all be used. Every major hotel, mall and office needs to have better technology and equipment to fight terror. A hotel like Taj or Oberoi need to have armed security guards who can immediately take out a threat.
Communications Monitoring
Complete monitoring of communications channels is needed. That way we can detect terror attacks before they actually happen. Places like America , UK and Israel all are doing this. We need to do this too. Our freedom is more important than what a few people might think. Every phone and e-mail should be monitored. Major cities should all be captured by surveillance cameras to detect any suspicious movements. Cities like London have invested billions to make sure there are CCTV camera all over the city – from streets to busses to trains. We need stronger intelligence.
Costal Safety
These terrorists came from sea and landed on the coast near the Gateway of India. It is very sad that anyone can enter our country this way. We need a stronger costal guard force which can detect such threats and take them out even before they enter. The entire Western and Eastern coast needs a much larger and stronger force.
Media Awareness and Education
There is a strong need that the media is educated about how they deal and report terror. Unfortunately a large part of the media isn’t trained in dealing with such situations and should not hamper investigation and police action. With the media and civilians around, it becomes difficult for security forces to detect terror and take them out. People need to understand that they should stay of the streets and not surround the area. There is a real threat and it isn’t some sort of tamasha. With civilians surrounding the area things become even more difficult. Education in the areas of evacuation, first aid and group action needs to be given to all of us to cope with terror with better.
Global Elite Force
Terror is a major problem facing all countries in the world. A global elite anti-terror force needs to be formed that will be able to fight terror anywhere in the world. Today we all have a common enemy – we need a common force that will fight this enemy. This force should be able to take out terror targets and suspects anywhere in the world and archaic laws should not slow them down. Anyone who tries to promote feeling of hate or terror – should be eliminated immediately by this force. We can see that the terrorists are all young mis-guided people who have been brainwashed. The people behind this brainwashing need to be eliminated.
This Isn’t About Religion
These people claim to be fighting for Islam and for Muslims – but we all know that this isn’t true. They kill anyone and everyone. This isn’t a time to label terror with religion. It isn’t a time for politicians to fight amongst each other – but unite and fight together as Indians.
Terrorists want to spread hate and divide this world and nation on the basis of religion. We shouldn’t let them succeed at doing this. Today we are all one – and when terror attacks they don’t just kill people of one religion. They kill everybody - Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jews, Atheists. This is a war of good vs. evil and not about religion. This is a war where we need to fight evil which kills children and destroys families.
We need to pray for everyone who has been affected by terror and hope there is peace. We need to pray that these terrorists are blessed with intelligence that makes them not do such vicious crimes on humanity. We need to pray and hope there is a lot more love on this planet. Irrespective of how much money we have(or don’t have) – we should realize that at the end of the day we are all human beings who want peace, love and a safe and happy life.
I’m sure together we will be able to make this world a better and safer place where there is more happiness and love.

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