Friday 12 December 2008

Governer of india belives in a significant crisis situation

D Subbarao, Governor of the Reserve bank
of India, believes we are in a significant crisis situation and said the situation in the distant future is uncertain.

Subbarao expects banks to cut lending rates soon. He believes all measures taken by the RBI to ease liquidity were adequate and feels they have yielded some positive impact. He said that it is too early to comment on further rate cuts.

Here is a transcript of D Subbarao's comments in a press conference

On RBI monetary policy
I think the monetary policy measures that we have taken have resulted in some positive outcome. As we had said in the policy statement on Saturday, all the measures of liquidity are appropriate. We reduced repo rate and the reverse repo rate on Saturday and we expect banks to respond to that and cut their lending rates and keep credit flowing for productive sectors.
On Inflation
We make our next review of the policy variables, our projections of core inflation when we make quarterly policy view which is slated for January 27. Certainly the developments will reflect in our assessment.
The Governor after the RBI's central board meet also announced a Rs 9000 crore line of credit to the National Housing Bank or NHB and the Exim bank to revive the housing and export sectors.
He said that a refinance facility of Rs 4000 crore for NHB and Rs 5000 crore facility for Exim bank will be extended at the repo rate of 6.5%.

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